
Bread is a simple food that needs the very basic ingredients – flour, water, yeast and salt all carefully mixed into a dough and cooked/baked. Bread making is such a rewarding part of baking, and the very best part of which is when the smell of freshly baked bread wafts through the kitchen…. here I will share with you some of my bread-making moments.

Almond Croissants

For a deliciously decadent treat, re-invent store bought puff pastry with sweet almond paste to make fresh home-made almond croissants. Flaky, tasty, sweet almond puff pastry croissants perfect breakfast treat… Ingredients Makes 10 1 packet ready roll puff pastry 1/2 cup ground almond 2 tablespoons milk and extra to paint over the pre-cooked croissants 1/2 … Continue reading Almond Croissants